Tuesday 5 July 2016

Christmas Snowflake decorations

Hello lovely peeps,

I am going to mention a word now (don't run away).... Christmas!  Yes, I know it's only the start of July but the craft channels have officially dived into the Festive Spirit, so I guess I am allowed now.. ;)

As fellow crafter's will know (and anyone who works in retail) Christmas always begins early for us. There is always lots to make and prepare for. In the bid not to have a November panic this year, where I suddenly make lots of cards but never seem to have enough, I decided I'd start to make this years in the lull between the special day and New Year.  If I remember correctly, I think I made about twelve and then squirrelled them away in a box with the intention to add to them throughout the year. As with some good intentions (and most New Year's resolutions), this plan seemed to evaporate and I got distracted with other projects.  (Never enough hours in a day and all that!)

The thoughts of last years manic card making are returning to me now as I see all the lovely stamps and dies appearing on the TV and it's reminding me, start your cards soon!!  And as some of my friends have said, receiving a card from me is an event in itself, so I can't disappoint them can I?  It would make me a bad friend! lol.  I am especially looking forward to seeing the Christmas Stamps by Sheena.

So...anyhew... I will be sharing cards made in the future but for now I thought I would share with you some tree decorations I made last year.  I once had a beautiful selection of glass snowflakes, I say had because the tree suddenly fell over and smashed them. I was upset as I'd had them a long time, was fond of them, and they had been made by a local crafts person I knew. I love local crafts, it's great to support artists and you know the history of what you have bought and it makes them more special.

A few weeks before I had purchased some wooden snowflakes by docrafts and intended to decorate them at some point. In the end I made them sooner that anticipated. I think I paid £2.50 for the box of them which I thought was a bargain, especially for ten.

The edges were coloured with a silver pen and Wow embossing powders were used, white powder puff and silver sparkle, alongside, Papermania's silver and holographic. They were applied to both sides. Gems and pearls were then added and some were finished with Cosmic Shimmer Polar White Twinkles.

I really enjoyed making these and they looked lovely on my little tree (and had the added benefit of not being smashable.) I think making Christmas decorations brings back fond memories as we have all made them as children and watched them go up on the tree each year.  I'm looking forward to putting the tree up this season, I love all the pretty trimmings and the twinkling lights and seeing all the magical trees, glimmering in the big windows of the local Victorian houses, it always fills me with a warm glow. I know it's only July... but bring on the bling!! That's what I say! 


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