Friday 22 May 2020

A Beautiful Year with Sheena Douglass

Hello crafters!

I know, it's been a while hasn't it! I hope you are all safe and well out there. These are strange times we are living through aren't they? None of us, as we saw the near year in, could ever have believed  we would see the world as it is now. I'm sending lots of crafty love to you all, and I hope that you and your family and friends are safe and well. On a positive note, during this difficult and scary time, I do think that as crafters, we are lucky in some aspects, as we have always been able to amuse ourselves by making things. We have the ability to continue to create beautiful things to brighten the lives of others and our own.

Back in September last year, (yes, I know, it's been that long!) Sheena released her Beautiful Year stamp collection. This was four  A4 sheets of stamps, Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. The team had great fun playing with this collection. So these are my makes to share with you.

So, we will start with Spring... For this one I wanted to portray her as Gaia, with everything that awakens in spring, coming forth from her. There was a lot of masking involved in creating this but I was really happy with how it turn out, even though it took a long time.

Lilly of the Valley, love this little flower and the beautiful swifts. The aim was to make this look Victorian, like the old postcards.

Summer days on the beach with friends, what's not to love? The shells were stamped and embossed and then fussy cut. 

And that summer music festival everyone has been waiting for.. I stamped the butterfly separately, then the lady and decoupaged them to create this winged music fan. 

Autumn, when the leaves begin to fall and the world becomes golden...

This was a plain pumpkin stamp but I decided to make it into a Halloween pumpkin by adding the face, and then drawing and painting the wall for it to sit on. 

Brrr... winter... but it brings its own beauty doesn't it...

I hope you have enjoyed seeing these makes... back very soon with more updates. So much to catch up on....

Crafty hugs

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